Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ola Dubh Cask Revved Me UP!

Local beer fans come out to taste the very special Harviestoun Ola Dubh cask tapped at Aromas last night. Local beer legend Owen Ogletree was on hand to introduce the keg and gave away two tickets to the Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting this coming January to a lucky winner. In another name drawing a guest was chosen to hammer in the tap and taste the first glass.

Based on Harviestoun's award-winning Old Engine Oil, the beer was pitch black, delicious, and smooth. I had two 8oz pints, enjoyed them, and enjoyed the evening talking with friends and new acquaintances.

I'm starting to make a habit out of attending these simple, but rich events at Aromas. Can't seem to help it. There is no need to be an expert I've learned; just a desire to taste and have fun.

Hope to see you at our next event, The Battle of the Bubbles.

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